and felt that their marriages were successful. None of the participants in the project were in therapy at the time. The mean age of the group was thirty years.

For the purposes of the study it was hypothe si zod that the homosexual women would:

1. Show more dependency than the heterosexual women. Find female figures as frightening and/or aggressive.




Disparage men and be hostile to masculinity.

Be confused as to their sexual identity.

5. Have limitations of personal, social adjustment.


No. 1 in general, no significant difference was found except in one area: a hostile depondent tio to the mother kept cropping up in the homosexual women much more often than in the heterosexual women.


No. 2 A significant difference was found. More than half of the homosexual women found female figures to be frightening and/or aggressive, as against only one of the control group.

No. 3


No significant difference. The homosexual women were found to be only slightly more disparaging of men than were the heterosexual women.


No. 4 Yes, a significant difference. The homosexual women had many who were confused as to their sexual identity.

No. 5 Yes, somewhat. The "somewhat" Dr. Armon felt was primarily due to the very tenuous positi on the Lesbian holds in society rather than any innate qualities. Comments and sidelights: No evidenco was found to support the "oral sadistic" or "genetic" theory of homosexual fixati on. This theory states that Lesbians are "fixated" at a more primitive level than male homosexuals. No difference was found between the homosexual women and the heterosexual women in tests that would bear out this theory. Dr. Armon's conclusion was that sexual problems may exist in the homosexual female, but that the whole personality may not remain infantile per the gene tic theory.

In fear of attack by men there was no signifi cant difference between the two groups. The only difference found was stumbled upon by accident when Dr. Armon overheard a conversation between members of the control group